Total Number of household members Average number of
household members
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and more
County of Karlovac                          
Number of households 47.524 13.010 12.202 8.779 7.639 3.408 1.601 549 194 75 41 26 2,69
Number of persons 127.734 13.010 24.404 26.337 30.556 17.040 9.606 3.843 1.552 675 410 301 -
Duga Resa                          
Number of households 4.052 961 1.021 850 733 308 125 38 11 1 3 1 2,76
Number of persons 11.180 961 2.042 2.550 2.932 1.540 750 266 88 9 30 12 -
Number of households 21.266 5.822 5.663 4.301 3.515 1.203 508 163 60 16 7 8 2,59
Number of persons 55.106 5.822 11.326 12.903 14.060 6.015 3.048 1.141 480 144 70 97 -
Number of households 4.910 1.224 1.190 916 886 388 194 66 26 7 9 4 2,82
Number of persons 13.867 1.224 2.380 2.748 3.544 1.940 1.164 462 208 63 90 44 -
Number of households 2.283 608 505 367 379 256 110 39 8 7 3 1 2,90
Number of persons 6.616 608 1.010 1.101 1.516 1.280 660 273 64 63 30 11 -
Number of households 2.028 671 560 286 281 139 49 27 12 2 - 1 2,50
Number of persons 5.076 671 1.120 858 1.124 695 294 189 96 18 - 11 -
Number of households 1.027 271 259 149 143 102 69 23 6 3 1 1 2,91
Number of persons 2.990 271 518 447 572 510 414 161 48 27 10 12 -
Number of households 479 159 116 73 59 40 16 8 6 2 - - 2,64
Number of persons 1.264 159 232 219 236 200 96 56 48 18 - - -
Number of households 726 187 211 107 106 61 30 15 3 2 3 1 2,79
Number of persons 2.027 187 422 321 424 305 180 105 24 18 30 11 -
Number of households 905 224 219 144 137 94 54 19 8 4 2 - 2,97
Number of persons 2.689 224 438 432 548 470 324 133 64 36 20 - -
Generalski Stol                          
Number of households 933 265 209 151 143 92 55 13 4 - - 1 2,82
Number of persons 2.632 265 418 453 572 460 330 91 32 - - 11 -
Number of households 1.339 369 314 211 231 122 64 16 5 4 2 1 2,81
Number of persons 3.767 369 628 633 924 610 384 112 40 36 20 11 -
Number of households 300 64 69 51 72 23 15 5 1 - - - 2,97
Number of persons 891 64 138 153 288 115 90 35 8 - - - -
Number of households 777 213 252 132 95 48 23 9 1 1 2 1 2,55
Number of persons 1.982 213 504 396 380 240 138 63 8 9 20 11 -
Number of households 599 209 145 75 65 50 30 10 9 3 2 1 2,70
Number of persons 1.616 209 290 225 260 250 180 70 72 27 20 13 -
Number of households 1.005 286 250 165 132 78 61 21 9 2 1 - 2,80
Number of persons 2.812 286 500 495 528 390 366 147 72 18 10 - -
Number of households 884 323 246 140 93 46 18 8 5 3 1 1 2,36
Number of persons 2.090 323 492 420 372 230 108 56 40 27 10 12 -
Number of households 833 242 179 122 126 101 42 15 3 1 1 1 2,87
Number of persons 2.387 242 358 366 504 505 252 105 24 9 10 12 -
Number of households 190 72 39 28 27 15 5 4 - - - - 2,50
Number of persons 475 72 78 84 108 75 30 28 - - - - -
Number of households 290 112 88 49 23 11 3 2 1 - 1 - 2,18
Number of persons 632 112 176 147 92 55 18 14 8 - 10 - -
Number of households 474 170 125 72 56 26 20 2 1 2 - - 2,43
Number of persons 1.150 170 250 216 224 130 120 14 8 18 - - -
Number of households 1.620 428 437 276 200 140 69 36 15 13 3 3 2,84
Number of persons 4.596 428 874 828 800 700 414 252 120 117 30 33 -
Number of households 604 130 105 114 137 65 41 10 - 2 - - 3,13
Number of persons 1.889 130 210 342 548 325 246 70 - 18 - - -